We've Moved!

After more than twenty years in our downtown location, we are so excited to share… the Wig Boutique has moved!

Don’t worry, we haven’t gone far. Find us on the South side of Edmonton, just off of Whitemud Drive and easily accessible via bus or LRT. Our new space is fully wheelchair accessible and offers loads of free parking.

You can now find us at 9911 48 Ave.

We encourage you to come and check out the new space! You can, as usual, book an appointment for a wig consultation by calling (780) 424-3251, or drop by to browse our selection of wig care products and hats, scarves, and other head coverings.

We have a lot of exciting things planned out for the new space, so check back frequently! And thank you for joining us on this next chapter of our journey. We wouldn’t be here without all of you.

Marina Hale